Field of Flags

            Today my husband and I spent the day at Old Sturbridge Village in Sturbridge Mass. One of our favorite places!! Even before entering the village I couldn't resist stopping to take a couple shots of  the
                                                                   "Field of Flags"

In the spirit of independence Old Sturbridge Village has invited people to join a new group at the Village - The Independence Society - and encourage people to help OSV build their first annual Field of Flags.

Starting with The the fourth of July, and culminating with their "Redcoats and Rebels" encampment on August 7-8, their goal is to place 5,000 American flags (made in the U.S.) at the entrance of the museum. For every gift of $25, OSV will add one American flag to the Field of Flags in celebration of our country's birth over 200 years ago. People may also sponsor a flag in memory of a loved one or military soldier/veteran.  Each gift of $25 will not only sponsor a flag, it will also provide a free field trip to the Village for one underprivileged student next year (per flag).

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